I have always had a love/hate relationship with draping. Draping does not occupy my closet, b/c I think that draping is more of an artform and is beautiful, but for some reason it just never works for me. Maybe because I haven't run into the right kind of draping. That has yet to be seen. I would like to give it up for
Asos however b/c they seem to be doing a great job as a retailer in keeping up with the trends as they come out. I know curvy girl fashion usually gets the trends 1 or 2 after the trend comes out. (Remember those ruffled blouses. When they first came out you couldn't find a decent ruffled blouse in plus now here we are 3 years later and I feel like if I see another ruffled blouse I am gonna scream!)
I am inclined to try one of these pieces below from Asos.
Asos is offering from more heavier looks in in draping to lighter ones. All of which are fab and very wearable. Oh and lookout for an outfit post from Asos! I have a couple more items coming in from them, but from the first piece...IM SOLD!
So who is gonna be taking part in the draping trend this seaons?