With editorials like this cropping up, it's no wonder we've been selling so many stockings lately!
The lingerie-as-outerwear trend reached new heights this Summer, and perhaps the easiest way for those of us who aren't in the pages of a magazine to wear that look is with hosiery. Maybe you won't go outside your house wearing a sheer dress showing off the fabulous bra/panty underneath, but you certainly can wear a gorgeous garter belt and show that suggestive little detail of the garter strap clasped to the stocking. These pictures essentially show the variety of stockings and thigh highs that are hottest right now (at Faire Frou Frou)...vintage or retro-inspired stockings both with/without the backseam and thigh highs with a plain band. We aren't seeing as much of the thigh high with the lace band in editorials these days, nor are we selling as much of that style as we used to.
One style we are particularly excited about is the dotted/backseam stocking below...they will be available at our store in about a week (if you notice the model's manicure, that's a trend that's long behind us!).
