Thursday, 18 November 2010

Nick Verreos Figure Skating Fashion Blog Skate America!

Figure Skating Grand Prix Compare & Contrast...The Costumes

My Ponytail is Kissing the Ice: Canadians Crone and Poirer at Skate America this past weekend

The Grand Prix of Figure Skating continues and now, we're in the good ol' US of A for Skate America. This past weekend--while I was in The Bahamas taking in the fashion at Island of The World Fashion Week 2010, there was lots of skating happening in Portland Oregon--home of well, the newest Winner of Project Runway, the much-maligned Gretchen Jones. I wonder if she went. Doubt it. Too much color and sequins for her taste.

But I digress...At the start of this season's Grand Prix series several of the skaters either re-hashed old costumes or started out with costumes that just weren't quite right. Now that we are in the third Grand Prix city, some have decided to debut their new costumes or completely change their original concept--to good results and well, some to not so good. If you've been following my blog, I'm writing a fun "My Two Cents" fashion blog, giving my commentary on this season's costumes for

Let's take a look at Skate America:

Stylish Ice Dancers David and White, USA

Vogue Magazine, the Figure Skating Issue: I absolutely LOVED Davis and White’s new costumes! They clearly decided they needed something more modern and while that often can translate to boring, these costumes were anything but. The asymmetry in the skirt is perfection and added just the right amount of drama to the simplicity of the top portion. Take note ladies: This is all you need; some beautiful beading and clean, modern lines. It was photo-editorial perfect and on-the-ice perfect.

Figure Skater Kanako Murakami, Japan

Victor (Mask of Zorro) Victoria: I have no idea why Murakami would change from the original half red/half black costume to this new half lavender/half black costume. They are both equally BAD. On a positive note, the plunging neckline works better on her and I must say that it definitely works better in movement than seen here in photographs. But somehow, it still looks like a cheap “Victor/Victoria” remake as opposed to “The Mask of Zorro”.

Figure Skater Rachael Flatt, USA

Grown Up Sequins: At first glance, I thought “why did she even bother switching costumes?” but then I looked closer. Rachael is all about the details and boy does this costume have details: The plunging neckline and DEEP back are perfection for her petite frame and the soft fluttery short on the sides, long in the front skirt was pure genius to make Rachael’s legs look as long as possible. The color is 2 shades lighter than the original which was a great choice and the beading is 1st rate. Kudos Rachael! Looks like someone’s growing up! And this Design “poppa” is proud.

Now here's a Figure Skating Fashion Tease: Find out what I thought about German Pairs Skaters Savchenko and Szolkowy get-ups (hers mainly!) by clicking HERE!!!!


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