Sunday, 14 November 2010

Inspiration Board; Pink, Peach & Grey

photo credits (clockwise from top left): 1. Envelope locket (source unknown) 2. Ellen von Unwerth 'freckles' 3. Bruno Dayan photography 4. Pretty Things by Liz Goldwyn 5. via Cosmo magazine 6. Sofie Dillon marabou slippers picture 7. Scarlett Johansson via Cervin blog 8. Gruau 'Dior' ad with ballerina leg 9. Kat Heyes drawing 10. Alessandra-Russh photograph (also shown in large format B&W pics above)

Today we decided to create an inspiration board, particularly because we have so many amazing photographs on our computer that wouldn't otherwise be posted on our site. The theme for this board are the colors gray & peach/pink. We began the board with the Alessandra-Russh photo (as shown in full above) and built the images around her. Isn't it lovely when an image inspires you so?
We are planning on creating inspiration boards more frequently on our blog...simply because they are fun to make and exciting to share! Of course there will certainly be lingerie elements in every board we create!


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