Saturday, 25 September 2010

A Open lettter to Target

Well, I am currently out of town dealing with a family emergency, but I did want to pass this along.  I am a Target lover and when the new designer lines come out I am usually have to pick up my crisco and a little fashion line to squeeze into them.  I would love them to be offered in plus sizes, so I lend out my support to getting the extention sizes in the GO International designers.

Dear Target: Why do you hate me so?

Why do you ignore, shun, and sweep me to the side when I want to shop too? Each season, you skillfully and beautifully execute exclusive designer collaborations and partnerships with the leading fashion designers — all to make high fashion attainable to the American woman — yet you ignore me. As plus size women, we are oft neglected, overlooked and always sized out of your collections.


I love to look fashionable, I love the mixing of high and low fashion, I drool at the latest Donna Karan runway collection, I HAVE AN EYE and HUNGER for fashion too! I also have money to spend as much as my straight sized sisters do.

I am not alone.

We, full figured, plus size, fa(t)shionistas love to look just as fabulous as our sisters, yet you neglect to even think of us in the equation. We fawn over the Zac Posen for Target, and strategically finagle through the cuts that could (kinda)pass on our curves; salaciously looking as each fantastic and highly coveted collaboration passes us along- due to you ignoring our thirst and hunger for fashion.


Do you not think we care, notice, or deserve it? It is bad enough your plus size collections (if that is what it is) are squished between the seven racks of maternity, next to the clearance racks, across from bathing suits; with only one rack to shop from- and I am not exaggerating.

So that you can hear us, and know that we are SERIOUS about our plea, today Friday, September 24, 2010 I, Marie Denee of The Curvy Fashionista, Patrice of Afrobella, and Sarah of Style It Online have come together with our followers and the fa(t)shionistas within the plus-size community to request, demand, and call for an inclusion of and/or special designer collaborations for the plus size fa(t)shionistas.

And we will show you how through our petition.

Today we launch our petition to show you we DO LOVE YOU, but you have to work with us, cater to us, and deliver to us the same exclusive designer collections as our straight size easily sashay into.


Marie Denee
The Curvy Fashionista


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