I know it sounds a little crazy, but Miss Piggy was my idol. Watching Miss Piggy as a child I could identify with her. I was always plus sized and had that inner fashionista waiting to burst out. Miss Piggy was everything I wanted to be. She was fabulous when she was a toddler on Muppet Babies…sometimes imitating some great fashion icons such as Madonna. When she came of age Miss Piggy graduated into a more sophisticated style. She would be sexy one minute, trendy the next, and conservative the next. It never stopped with her. She was always reinventing herself.
Another thing about Miss Piggy that I loved is that I never heard her once talk about her weight, put herself down, say she was fat, etc. Miss Piggy was fabulous at whatever size she was and she worked with her figure. She was never a fabulous plus sized woman…she was a fabulous woman who just happened to be plus sized. That’s what I have strived to be and that’s how I cater to my clients.
Miss Piggy was a fashion icon to all little girls...no matter what size. No one could deny her fabulosity. So to Miss Piggy from me....Bravo.